The Caldera Project is specifically designed to address the questions of what the status of the wild trout fishery is and why, what could be done to change that situation, and what the quality of the angling experience is in the Caldera. In addressing these questions we will also examine and summarize the body of existing research that has been conducted in the Caldera to date.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Historic Railroad Ranch Slideshow

A collection of black and white photographs documenting some of the history and happenings of this special place prior to it becoming a park. Stringers, hunting trips, scenic shots, and portraits of ranch life are all included in this slideshow that dates back nearly a century.

All photos are courtesy of Harriman State Park of Idaho archives and may not be copied, reprinted or otherwise used without express permission. Enjoy !
(You can click photos to view in a larger window)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Railroad Station Fan,

A committee of concerned citizens are dedicated to the preservation of a local historical railroad depot in Kendrick, Idaho. First built in 1890 by the Northern Pacific Railway, it is the only remaining depot of its kind of the total of 34 built in WA, ID, OR, MT and ND using the Standard 1890 freight and passenger wood design. It may very well be the last in the entire northwestern United States. Please Sign the Petition to Save Our Depot at the following website;

The Kendrick City Council voted to sell the Kendrick Depot building for $50 even though; there was an offer on the table for the Kendrick Depot Preservation Committee to buy it for $5,000 and lease the land; there have been grant monies acquired and used by the City of Kendrick for the specific purpose of restoring the depot; there was a vote taken of all those in attendance at the meeting and some fifty-two (52) were in favor of preservation and only two (2) were in favor of demolishing it; there were over a dozen people who spoke reasonably, intelligently and passionately for preserving the depot and no one but the appointed Mayor argued for its destruction; the majority of WE THE PEOPLE want to preserve and restore the building; reason, logic and commonsense dictate the preservation of the depot; the building and property on which it sits was gifted to the City of Kendrick by a prominent Kendrick family with the intention that it forever remain and exist to remind the city and all who visit it of its historic railroad legacy; the building has great historical significance not only for the City of Kendrick but for Latah County and the state of Idaho as well.

These Kendrick city council members for reasons unknown to most of us are hell-bent on destroying what many believe to be a historical landmark and treasure. Please help prevent this from happening by emailing, posting, and otherwise directing people to this website where visitors can read more information regarding our efforts to preserve this bit of Idaho railroad history for generations to come as well as sign our on-line petition.

I have just read and signed the petition: "PETITION FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE KENDRICK DEPOT".

Please take a moment to read about this important issue, and join me in signing the petition. It takes just 30 seconds, but can truly make a difference. We are trying to reach 500 signatures - please sign here:

You can also contact the Kendrick City Council and let them know that you support the preservation of this historic depot - by email at: or by phone at: (208)289-5157.

If you are interested in reading more about our efforts to save this historic Idaho landmark please visit the following website;
Any and all efforts in helping us save this historic train depot will be deeply appreciated.

Kindest regards,
Scott Thurston,
Kendrick Depot Preservation Committee Member